Being single could be a lonely time in one's life. But despite what that period means, you can make something out of your loneliness, rather than allowing it to weigh you down. Deep down within us, we all long to meet that special someone, who makes our life complete. However, before you meet that special one, you can still make your life meaningful.
First, you must realise that you are special. It's not that special one that you are waiting for that makes you special, but the fact that you are whom you are--eligible and ready for a relationship. Having a special someone cannot make you special, or bring you a sense of worth. What makes you really special is your belief in yourself.
Secondly, you must discover your purpose in life. Many people live all their lives without ever knowing why they are alive or what they are living for. No one is made to live a purposeless life. You will only find fulfilment when you discover your reason for being in this world. You must search within yourself to know what you really want to do, what makes you happy, what your talents and abilities are. That is what will bring you true fulfilment, even if that special person is not in your life yet.
Thirdly, you need to develop a giving attitude. Marriage is not a fifty-fifty arrangement. It takes total commitment if it’s going to work out. Part of the reason why modern marriages don’t work is that both parties or one of them enters into it with a fifty percent mentality. If you develop a giving attitude as a single, and you are happy with it, you will find it easy to be committed to making your marriage in future to work out.
As any one who has been married knows very well, marriage doesn’t change you. It only exposes whom you really are. It’s time you faced that reality and start living as a happy single now.
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Is Sex A Proof Of Love?
Sex is probably the most important three letter word on the earth today. I doubt if anyone can deny this fact. Although some people try to deny its importance due to traditional, religious or moral reasons, yet it's obvious to the discerning eye to see that it's very important.
Research has shown that sex or porn sells the most online, next to gambling. It's as important as money in anyone's life. Yet, the power of sex has been much misunderstood and ultimately misused. Some people tend to believe that their sexual lives can be separate from their emotional lives. This false image is portrayed by some people in the media, via movies, describing this people as supermen or superwomen who have sex with absolutely no strings attached and no emotions involved.
The problem with this false image is this-it does not fit into the reality of the lives of multiplied millions of people worldwide who need both sex and love. Having sex with a person is not a proof of love, as many examples around us show. Sex is meant to be a natural outflow of love, not a flow apart from love.
This false image of sex as a separate entity from love is behind the marriage disasters being experienced by almost all of the same people who portray that same image. If sex were the same thing as love, Hollywood would be the happiest place on earth, and all film star marriages would be the most blissful and enviable. But you and I know that this is not the case.
Sex and love are tied together. It's all part of our emotions, and no one must be deceived into believing the false images that are being portrayed. It's harming more and more ordinary people and damaging their emotions.
You should not view sex as a tool or just an object that doesn't involve you in any way, or which you can control as you wish. Rather, it's a commitment, giving a part of you to someone else.
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Research has shown that sex or porn sells the most online, next to gambling. It's as important as money in anyone's life. Yet, the power of sex has been much misunderstood and ultimately misused. Some people tend to believe that their sexual lives can be separate from their emotional lives. This false image is portrayed by some people in the media, via movies, describing this people as supermen or superwomen who have sex with absolutely no strings attached and no emotions involved.
The problem with this false image is this-it does not fit into the reality of the lives of multiplied millions of people worldwide who need both sex and love. Having sex with a person is not a proof of love, as many examples around us show. Sex is meant to be a natural outflow of love, not a flow apart from love.
This false image of sex as a separate entity from love is behind the marriage disasters being experienced by almost all of the same people who portray that same image. If sex were the same thing as love, Hollywood would be the happiest place on earth, and all film star marriages would be the most blissful and enviable. But you and I know that this is not the case.
Sex and love are tied together. It's all part of our emotions, and no one must be deceived into believing the false images that are being portrayed. It's harming more and more ordinary people and damaging their emotions.
You should not view sex as a tool or just an object that doesn't involve you in any way, or which you can control as you wish. Rather, it's a commitment, giving a part of you to someone else.
Would you like to know the secrets of how you can succeed in online dating? Would you like to get a date online without any troubles? Visit for a FREE ebook that unveils the secrets.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Should Love End on Valentine's Day?
For most couples worldwide, the fourteenth of February is a day to show more affection, renew love vows and be more caring towards their partners. Put it this way, it's a day in which literally, love is in the atmosphere. It is not uncommon for lovers to spend lots of money in order to show their love for each other.
All over the world, couples visit various romantic spots and go for special shows or events. It generally is a day to express love.
But a major question arises-should expressions of love end on Valentine's Day? Why can't the same attitude and feelings of Val's day be carried over to normal, everyday life?
This is a salient point, which almost all couples need to seriously consider. Love is not a one day affair or event. It is an ongoing process, which should continue to wax stronger and stronger everyday.
Couples need to create more time to spend with each other, make each other feel special and generally endear themselves together everyday, as they did on valentine's day. It's not just about spending money, but also about taking the time to be together and making each other happy.
It's about doing the simple ordinary everyday chores in a way to make your partner feel special. Acts like opening the car door for her, offering her a seat before you take yours, getting him a simple gift and similar acts of love should continue daily.
Anyone who is seriously in love should seriously consider how he or she could make each day a special day of love. Even long after the euphoria of the Val's day has gone, each couple can still relive that experience everyday in their home.
And as this is done, the love between them will grow stronger and stronger, and they both will appreciate each other the more.
Everyday could be Valentine's Day, a day to express love to each other.
Toyin offers help,advice and tips to help people build stronger love relationships. Realizing that love controls all of us than we are often willing to admit, she also offers advice to help more people find love and keep it. is where you can learn more on finding the love of your life and keeping him/her.
All over the world, couples visit various romantic spots and go for special shows or events. It generally is a day to express love.
But a major question arises-should expressions of love end on Valentine's Day? Why can't the same attitude and feelings of Val's day be carried over to normal, everyday life?
This is a salient point, which almost all couples need to seriously consider. Love is not a one day affair or event. It is an ongoing process, which should continue to wax stronger and stronger everyday.
Couples need to create more time to spend with each other, make each other feel special and generally endear themselves together everyday, as they did on valentine's day. It's not just about spending money, but also about taking the time to be together and making each other happy.
It's about doing the simple ordinary everyday chores in a way to make your partner feel special. Acts like opening the car door for her, offering her a seat before you take yours, getting him a simple gift and similar acts of love should continue daily.
Anyone who is seriously in love should seriously consider how he or she could make each day a special day of love. Even long after the euphoria of the Val's day has gone, each couple can still relive that experience everyday in their home.
And as this is done, the love between them will grow stronger and stronger, and they both will appreciate each other the more.
Everyday could be Valentine's Day, a day to express love to each other.
Toyin offers help,advice and tips to help people build stronger love relationships. Realizing that love controls all of us than we are often willing to admit, she also offers advice to help more people find love and keep it. is where you can learn more on finding the love of your life and keeping him/her.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
How To Make It Impossible For A Woman To Say No

Most men, if not every man has gotten a 'No' at one point or the other in their lives from a woman that he expressed his love feelings to. But no matter who you are, what you have or do not have, you can make it IMPOSSIBLE for ANY woman to say 'No' to you.
It is not unusual for a man to hang out with fellowmen, especially as their schedule allows. There are various topics that form the basis of their discussions, ranging from politics, business to the less important topics like the weather or current affairs. However, some men in most cases leave out a very important aspect of their lives which they consider too personal to be a subject of discussion. This is their love life.
Love is an aspect of life that is quite a dynamic topic among men. It could be discussed freely or classed as strictly out of bounds if friends bring it up, depending on the situation of things.
Most men brag about their charm and their prowess in getting the heart of the woman they desire. But this is not the case with all men. Many men do not receive a positive response from a woman when they make their interest in her known.
There are different classes of negative responses. 'No' comes in different sizes and intensities, which are often caused by different reasons.
1. Capital 'NO' ; This is often an immediate answer which may even terminate any further contact or relationship, no matter how casual.
This is the worst response a man could get from a woman, but ironically, it could also be the best because there is no further need to be anxious.
2. 'Let's just remain friends' ;This is more subtle and quite diplomatic, but 'No' is 'No', no matter how it is said.
3. 'Give me some time' ; This is usually when the woman is not really sure of her feelings. It is O.K if she is definite in her definition of time, but when a woman is indefinite and says 'any time', it is quite dangerous. 'Give me some time' is a 50/50 probability which in most cases tilt towards a 'No'.
4. The final and most aggressive form of 'No' is the worst form of response any man could get from any woman. In this case, the woman sees the man's proposal as an insult to her personalty. Thus, the poor guy is subjected to all forms of disgrace and embarrassment. An important point remains here. Most men, if not every man has gotten a 'No' at one point or the other in their lives. And the truth is that men will still receive 'No' from women as long as the dating game is on. In spite of all these facts, the smart guys can leave the club of 'No-getters', if they can learn the secrets of the game. No matter who you are, what you have or do not have, you can make it IMPOSSIBLE for ANY woman to say 'No' to you.
Here's a very useful book to make you acceptable to women. To get it,Click Here!

How To Become Irresistible To The Opposite Sex (2)

Everybody wants to acquire that natural charm and grace that makes him or her loveable and naturally acceptable by everyone.
A number of people are born with this natural grace that makes people to flock around them even from the time they were toddlers. Some other people learnt the secret of attractiveness during their teenage years, while some others cultivated the skills of attractiveness and becoming loveable in their early twenties.
Unfortunately, some other people are not so lucky; they are forced to date anyone that they think would have them. They simply believe that they can't date the kind of person they really want.
There is another kind of class of people who believe that they don' t deserve the kind of people they are dating and that such people will leave them once they find out who they really are.
All these are pseudo beliefs. There is no one born without the natural grace that makes one irresistible. The only restriction is that most people are victims of their past. Being rejected before does not mean you are unlovable. The hurtful words spoken to you in the past is only an opinion of the speaker.
YOU can become irresistible anywhere you go, in spite of your experiences in the past. You don't have to become stuck with that person you don't really want. It is possible to stand out and be held in high esteem anywhere, especially by the opposite sex, if you only know how, which is not difficult or impossible.

Want to know how you can become irresistible to the opposite sex?Click Here!
How To Become Irresistible To The Opposite Sex
Everyone finds rejection as a bruise to his or her ego. We all have our ego, which is not determined by age, sex or any societal status. The simple truth is that no one wants to be rejected, and to this end we strive to maintain a good position in the opinion of people towards us.
Becoming irresistible is the dream of every one, especially towards the opposite sex. You can attract or keep the man or woman of your dreams if you know the simple technique of achieving this. You can become resistance proof if you simply know how.
The rate of divorce has gone up because couples have suddenly become resistible to each other. Relationships break up when the appeal is lost, which later results in rejection. Some people can not even attract the men or women of their dreams because of psychological problems and some people are even worse because of their 'dating flaws' which manifest unconsciously on the first date, allowing rejection automatically to set in.
Some people are simply too shy to attract or keep the man or woman they desire. Some other people suffer rejections as a result of hang-ups from previous relationships. A previous rejection is a potential rejection if not properly dealt with.
You can become IRRESISTIBLE to the opposite sex in spite of what you call deficiencies in height, weight, general looks, educational qualifications, pay checks, your car (if you have one), what part of the town you live in or by any other standard you believe in. All these factors are irrelevant in becoming irresistible if you only how to attract, keep and maintain a lasting relationship.
Want to know how you can become irresistible to the opposite sex?

Click Here!
Becoming irresistible is the dream of every one, especially towards the opposite sex. You can attract or keep the man or woman of your dreams if you know the simple technique of achieving this. You can become resistance proof if you simply know how.
The rate of divorce has gone up because couples have suddenly become resistible to each other. Relationships break up when the appeal is lost, which later results in rejection. Some people can not even attract the men or women of their dreams because of psychological problems and some people are even worse because of their 'dating flaws' which manifest unconsciously on the first date, allowing rejection automatically to set in.
Some people are simply too shy to attract or keep the man or woman they desire. Some other people suffer rejections as a result of hang-ups from previous relationships. A previous rejection is a potential rejection if not properly dealt with.
You can become IRRESISTIBLE to the opposite sex in spite of what you call deficiencies in height, weight, general looks, educational qualifications, pay checks, your car (if you have one), what part of the town you live in or by any other standard you believe in. All these factors are irrelevant in becoming irresistible if you only how to attract, keep and maintain a lasting relationship.
Want to know how you can become irresistible to the opposite sex?

Click Here!
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